14.05.2024 - 12:28

Police and Brussels Hotels Association agree to better help tourists report a crime

The Brussels municipalities of Schaerbeek, Evere and Saint-Josse-ten-Noode together with the hotels of the Brussels Hotels Association (BHA) have signed an agreement to improve access to police services for foreign visitors.

“This agreement aims to significantly improve the accessibility and user-friendliness of police services for hotels and foreign visitors – a first in Belgium,” said Rodolphe Van Weyenbergh, secretary-general of the BHA.

Tourists will now be able to report incidents more easily through an app accessed in their hotel.

“It regularly happens that foreign visitors do not report a non-urgent incident they have suffered during their stay with us until they return from their trip,” said Cécile Jodogne, president of the Brussels-North police college and acting mayor of Schaerbeek.


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